Homeopathic Remedies

“Natural forces within us are the true healers of disease.”
— Hippocrates

How Remedies Are Made

Homeopathy is a natural treatment; remedies are approved and regulated by the FDA and are becoming more readily available over the counter in natural health stores, pharmacies and grocery stores.

The Homeopathic Pharmacopia Convention of the United States (HPCUS) controls the manufacture and distribution of all homeopathic remedies in the United States.

To generate an energized (“potentized”) remedy, small amounts of a substance are repeatedly diluted and succussed. Succussing involves vigorous shaking with an impact on a hard, resilient surface. The different potencies – for example 6C, 30C, 200C – indicate how many times the remedy has been diluted and succussed; the higher the number, the stronger the potency.

Homeopathic RemediesThere are thousands of different remedies – and new remedies are being discovered all the time – but with the guidance of a qualified homeopathic practitioner, it is possible to discover the correct remedy for you as an individual.


Characteristic Symptoms of Some Common Constitutional Remedies

Calcarea Carbonica is made from the shell of an oyster and the Calcarea Carbonica type is like an oyster without a shell – soft but tenacious. They are hard working and responsible. They are fearful – afraid of heights, mice, insects, storms – and their feet and hands are cold and clammy. They have a craving for eggs in any form, and they like to snack. Calcarea Carbonica has an affinity for the bones and the teeth.

Lachesis is an interesting constitutional type. They are worse after sleep – “sleep into aggravation” – and they often feel sad on waking. They can be very talkative and jump from one subject to another. Lachesis is very sensitive to touch and cannot bear the feel of tight clothing, especially around the neck – you won’t see a Lachesis type voluntarily wearing a tie! Lachesis can be a good remedy for menopause.

The Sulphur type is known as “the ragged philosopher”. They are deep thinkers, caring more for philosophy than fashion. They often feel aggravated at 11 a.m., with an empty, hungry, “all-gone” feeling. Sulphur has an affinity for the skin.

Stressed mother SepiaSepia is one of the most commonly prescribed remedies for women and is especially effective for those women who are worn down by child-bearing and caring for a family – they are exhausted, irritable and overwhelmed. It is also useful for hormonal issues, such as menopause and PMS.

Natrum Muriaticum is made from salt (sodium chloride). It is a remedy for prolonged grief and disappointed love, but they find it hard to cry. They tend to dwell on past disagreeable events, and they can be control freaks. Foodwise, they crave anything salty and they like burnt food too. A peculiar symptom of Natrum Muriaticum is being unable to urinate in the presence of others, a condition known as “bashful kidneys”.

Pulsatilla, made from the Windflower, is known as a women’s remedy, although it can be useful for men too. One of the main characteristics of Pulsatilla is weeping – Pulsatilla will cry from happiness as much as sadness. Pulsatilla loves to be outdoors, especially walking slowly, and they feel uncomfortable in a warm, stuffy room.
More information on homeopathy and homeopathic remedies can be found here
National Center for Homeopathy
ABC Homeopathy
Society of Homeopaths